Expand Your Impact in the Democratic Process!
Volunteer Your Time and Expertise:
Complete the Mobilize Volunteer Interest form or use the provided link to express your interest in helping with Party events, activities, voter registration, and education.
Contact the Democratic Party leader overseeing the activities that align with your interests.
Join Affiliated Groups:
Embrace the opportunity to join any of our affiliated groups; all registered Democrats are encouraged to participate.
Register to Vote as a Democrat:
Fulfill your civic responsibility by registering to vote as a Democrat. Your choice matters, and we welcome your involvement.
Make a Financial Contribution:
Support our initiatives by making a financial contribution to the Party, even if you're pressed for time to volunteer.
Help Organize Your Precinct:
Become a crucial part of voter education and turnout by assisting in organizing your precinct.
Step up as a precinct chair or volunteer to strengthen our Election Day chances.
Sign Up for Our Email List:
Stay informed about Democratic candidates and essential Johnston County issues by subscribing to our email list.
Rest assured, you can unsubscribe anytime, and we never rent or sell our list.
Write Letters to the Editor:
Build community support for Democratic positions, candidates, and elected officials by crafting compelling letters to the editor.
Show Your Democratic Pride:
Spark conversations and showcase your commitment by wearing Democratic buttons, lapel pins, or T-shirts.
Attend Local Democratic Meetings:
Actively participate in local Democratic meetings to stay informed about current issues, party strategies, and upcoming events.
Host a Democratic House Party:
Bring the Democratic community together by hosting a house party to discuss local concerns, share ideas, and strategize for upcoming campaigns.
Engage on Social Media:
Leverage the power of social media to amplify Democratic messages, share information about candidates, and engage in constructive conversations with fellow community members.
Participate in Phone Banking:
Support Democratic candidates by participating in phone banking efforts to connect with voters, share information, and encourage civic engagement.
Run for Local Office:
Consider taking a more active role in shaping your community by running for local office. Your passion and commitment can make a significant impact on Democratic representation at various levels.
Remember, the democratic process thrives when individuals like you actively contribute. Explore these additional avenues to further strengthen your involvement and influence positive change in your community!